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Benefits of Microchipping Your Pet

And What a Microchip is

Moe Dubowsky


Photo Credit: Pexels

A microchip is a small electronic chip, the size of a grain of rice, that is implanted subcutaneously (under the skin), usually into your pets back, in between their shoulder blades. It is a quick process, similar to your pet getting a shot.

Each microchip has a unique number, but it is not a tracker. You can see this number when the microchip is scanned by a microchip reader and you should be given a copy of the number when the microchip is implanted. The chip can also be read over seas.

A quote from one of my VCA Veterinary Assistant courses is, “Collars can come off, but the microchip remains in the pet for life”. It’s a permanent type of identification. So, a microchip gives owners the peace of mind, if their pet ever gets lost.

The animal hospital that implants the microchip will keep a record with this information. You can also register the number online with your contact information. This way, no one can claim your pet as their own and when your pet is found and scanned for a microchip, you will be the person that they contact.

Here’s to hoping our pets stay safe and don’t get lost, but it’s better to be safe than sorry!



Moe Dubowsky

I am a Veterinary Assistant graduate from Pima Medical Institute & Veterinary Technician student at Ashworth College. I have two dogs and two birds.