Dogs | Dog Health | Coprophagia

My Dog Eats Poop, So They Have A Nutrient Deficiency

Myth or No?

Moe Dubowsky


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Many people are under the impression that if their dog eats feces, their dog is lacking in certain nutrients. Poop eating is normal amongst rabbits, they need the nutrients from their feces for their health, but that is not the case with dogs. Your dogs are probably getting all the nutrients they need. (You can read my other articles to see if your pet is eating a proper diet, here.) Eating feces it is actually a behavioral problem and usually not a nutrient deficiency. This disgusting behavior is called “Coprophagia”.

Is it Normal? Is it Okay?

The statistics of coprophagia amongst dogs, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC):

  • 16% (one in six) of dogs are classified as “serious” stool eaters, which means that they were caught in the act five times.
  • 24% (one in four) of the dogs in the study were observed eating feces at least once.
  • In single-dog homes, only 20% of dogs had the habit, while in homes with three dogs (multi-dog homes), that rose to 33%.

This is more of a normal behavior for puppies, because they are curious about the world around them. This behavior will probably stop before they are a year old, but it depends.

  • I know someone who said that their dog started eating feces when they were a puppy, because the other dog would eat the puppy’s food. This ended up becoming a habit for their dog, even into their adulthood.

Dogs eating their own feces is not a big deal health-wise, but consuming other animals’ feces can cause health issues (since they may contain bacteria or viruses).

Be careful and aware of what your dog is consuming, because dogs will eat ANYTHING!

If the poop eating becomes excessive or your pet does not seem like they are well, make sure to discuss this with your veterinarian as soon as possible!



Moe Dubowsky

I am a Veterinary Assistant graduate from Pima Medical Institute & Veterinary Technician student at Ashworth College. I have two dogs and two birds.